May your womb be fruitful

I think, one of the greatest joy for a some women, is bringing a child into this world. I’m always super excited when I see those ‘baby bumps’ and how protective the to be mothers seem, gentle rubbing their tummy. It’s little moments like those, I hope they cherish too. As a smile, at this lovely moment, I consider those trying to get pregnant and are having difficulties. Like me encourage your hearts.

I bring to you no expert advise or magic potion, but what I bring to you is a prayer and a thread of hope. May you never get another negative pregnancy test result, as you and your partner tries to conceive. May you never loose another pregnancy, may your pillow no longer get wet from the tears you have cried from another ultrasound report, may you never leave the maternity empty handed again. May you never pack away those baby clothes and shelf those names you have picked out or ever cage that thought of being a mother or a father.

May your womb be fruitful. I pray just as how God blessed the womb of Sarah, Rebecca and Hannah your womb will be blessed too. May your heart be so filled with joy that it bubbles over and causes you to laugh. May your friends and family celebrate this joyous moment with you. May your womb be fruitful.